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Portrait of Connie in action

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VIP Group

Calling all collaborators, conversationalists, and those who want access to a VIP group where they get activity ideas, support, and camaraderie!

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Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember.

Why Lessons and Learning for Littles?

At Lessons and Learning for Littles, I’m known for making learning fun and preparing little ones (approximately 1-5 years old) for the rigorous demands of formalized education. I create playful learning activities that will help children be well-rounded individuals. This is the place for working parents, stay-at-home parents, homeschooling, unschooling, Montessori-inspired, tot schooling, and anyone who wants to help their child(ren) learn more (and often at a deeper level) while having fun playing.

Playful Learning Activities…?

Doesn’t that just sound fun?! That’s because it is! Playful learning activities allow children to be creative, use their imaginations, develop critical thinking skills, expand their vocabulary, learn how to work both independently and with others, all while allowing them to explore different content areas, such as science, technology, engineering, art, math, reading, writing, and music. As an added bonus, it’s easy for adults to set up and help little ones embark on their own learning journey.

Playful learning activities are...

Let’s connect!

Interested in knowing more? Have a question? Want to join our movement? Drop me a line!

Connect with Connie!