How to Homeschool Summit

Welcome! I’m glad you’re here! I’m Connie, a California credentialed teacher, homeschooling mom, and homeschool teacher.

I’m so glad you’re here (so much so that I already said that 😀)! Whether you’re suddenly homeschooling by choice, that’s the cards you’ve been dealt (like with the CoronaVirus), you’re thinking about homeschooling, or you’ve been homeschooling and are just looking for new ideas and inspiration, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome!

What Supplies do I need to get started Homeschooling?

Here’s a FREE printable Home School Supply List! (Preview it below)

The Homeschool Supply List

Suggested SupplyPossible uses
GOOD quality pair of children’s scissorsFine motor skills, art and other activities 
Crayons or markersArt, can be used to do worksheets too and marking the text for reading or editing/revising writing
Paper     Plain white copy paper     Construction paper     Lined/binder paper      Graph paper*Printing out worksheets and essays, art, writing

*For students who need it for math, larger squares for younger kids, smaller squares for older math students
Index/recipe cards    
Ruled and unruled if possible
Flash cards and things to study, word walls, math facts, making games
Craft sticksRandomizing math facts or movement activities, games, art, making puzzles and matching review games, etc
GlueArt, cutting and gluing activities, science (ie, slime) 
PencilsTracing and writing 
Dry erase markers    
**Black Expo seems to erase the best.
Writing on vertical surfaces, using on sheet protectors, writing on a white board to do work instead of using paper
Page protectors or dry erase sheetsPut worksheets in them, write with dry erase marker to reuse page; also an easy way to display something you want to change out frequently
masking tape or painters tapeIndoor movement activities, temporarily displaying art or other work, art supply
pom poms Counters (math), sorting, fine motor activities, art supplies
Colored dice (if you get dice, and you don’t need pom poms for art or a younger child, you probably don’t need both dice and pom poms)Counters (math), sorting, fine motor activities, math games
Paint Brushes (different sizes & types)Art, practicing writing letters/words for younger students
Art- tepera is great for younger children and is usually washable and can be watered down (water colors)
Sidewalk chalkLearning outside, PE/movement activities 
Sticky Notes (different colors preferably)Marking pages in books, playing games, brainstorming and planning writing, making reminders

Things that are Nice to have when Homeschooling 

  • Plastic table cloth or shower curtain
  • Journal or notebook
  • Colored Pencils
  • Embellishments (stickers, sequins, googly eyes, etc.)
  • Sticky notes
  • Stapler and staples 
  • Invisible tape
  • Magnifying glass 
  • Flash cards
  • Water colors 
  • Oil pastels
  • Ruler and/or tape measure
  • Highlighters 
  • Page tabs

Teacher Tip: Use movement as an educational break!

Try a quick game of “Simon Says”

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